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▲Master Yenlung Chiu reminded that pay more visits to Guan Shengdijun and Xuanxuan. Asking for help from God of Heaven and God of Earth can turn disaster into good luck.   (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

The "rain solar term" arrives on Monday! Numerologist: Has a strong sense of good and bad. Gold, jade and gemstones can increase luck.  

民間借貸100萬By Master Chiu Yanlong

Today (2/19) the solar term enter "Rain". Chiu Yenlung, an international expert in Feng Shui and numerology, reminds us that this year's rain solar term is very special. It is a watershed in destiny. The Sun, Saturn and Mercury are combined in the Pisces house, bringing blessings and karma at the same time. Once it's in place, the difference between good and bad is obvious. In addition, in the next 16 days, due to the influence of Mars and Venus conjunct Jupiter and Uranus, there will be more emotional entanglements and disputes. It is recommended to wear gold, jade, and gemstone jewelry to help replenish luck, or you can pay more visits to Guan Shengdijun and Xuanxuan. Asking for help from God of Heaven and God of Earth can turn disaster into good luck.  

Master Chiu Yenlung explained that the Sun, Saturn, and Mercury are conjunct in Pisces. People with strong fortunes will feel that the beginning of the year will be smooth, and good news will arrive as scheduled. It seems that past efforts have finally come to fruition, regardless of popularity, fame, or wealth. Everything surged, and you felt light and ready to show off your skills. But people with strong karma will feel a lot of pressure at the beginning of the new year. All the bad people, things and things will burst out together, making the whole body feel uncomfortable and their mood also affected. Master Chiu Yenlung suggested that in addition to saying goodbye or transshipping, you must understand that usually the place where there are problems is where the karma is. Finding the root of the problem and bravely facing breakthroughs can still make you prosperous.  

Master Chiu Yenlung said that during the 16 rainy days, Mars and Venus will conjunct and square Jupiter and Uranus. It should be noted that emotional blackmail will affect work and cooperation. It is best not to be affected by colleagues and friends. So as to save a lot of trouble, but also do not be independent, otherwise it will be difficult to move forward. As long as you follow national policies or company regulations, you will be able to get a lot of help just like you are standing on the cusp of the storm.  


In terms of health, Master Chiu Yenlung reminded that we should pay attention to lung and respiratory problems such as influenza and COVID-19, which are still at their peak. In addition, health problems such as nervous system, surgery, blood light, accidental injuries in other places, hepatitis, muscles and bones, legs, gastrointestinal, alcoholism, etc., you should pay more attention. Master Chiu Yenlung emphasized that the Sun, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury are the most prosperous stars during “Rain” period, which is beneficial to agriculture and minerals, construction and real estate, manufacturing, textile and garment industries, entertainment and cultural industries, media industries, import trade, printing, plastic industries, The development of 15 industries including metaphysics, religion, and medical care. In addition, there are 8 zodiac signs or rising signs with good luck, including Pisces, Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Sagittarius, Virgo and Leo. As long as you know how to work hard to use your strengths and make up for your own shortcomings, you will be able to achieve your dreams more easily than others.  

Finally, Master Chiu Yenlung quoted the hexagram "Yi Lin·Yu Zhi Chi": "Zhang Gong Kuo Crossbow, passing through the mountain road; even if there are crouching tigers, who dares to harm them?" To sum up the fortune of the 16 days of "Rain", it is to remember that uncertainty and danger are always there. Only by making preparations first and not improvising can be fine. 

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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